Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang is Taiwan’s digital minister in charge of Social Innovation. Audrey is known for revitalizing the computer languages Perl and Haskell, as well as building the online spreadsheet system EtherCalc in collaboration with Dan Bricklin. In the public sector, Audrey served on Taiwan national development council’s open data committee and the 12-year basic education curriculum committee; and led the country’s first e-Rulemaking project. In the private sector, Audrey worked as a consultant with Apple on computational linguistics, with Oxford University Press on crowd lexicography, and with Socialtext on social interaction design. In the social sector, Audrey actively contributes to g0v (“gov zero”), a vibrant community focusing on creating tools for the civil society, with the call to “fork the government.”

Dana Williamson, PhD, Mph

Dana Williamson, PhD, MPH is a behavioral social scientist and earned both her doctorate and master’s degree from the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University.  She is a graduate of the inaugural cohort Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholars program and was a graduate of the Agents of Change Fellowship program in affiliation with the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health.

Dr. Williamson has a diverse public health experience that spans more than 15 years of applied community-engaged research, outreach, and development; has worked as a health communications specialist with the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, and as a project director implementing multiple NIH-funded culturally-sensitive interventions. Her research has maintained a core theme of a health disparities lens and emphasizes capacity building, community-centered approaches to address environmental injustices, and scholar advocacy to shape policies that improve health and advance equity. She is the lead evaluator of the U.S. EPA’s Region 4 EJ Training Academy, focusing on capacity building and the identification of successful community change strategies and policy-related outcomes. Currently, Dr. Williamson is an Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Environmental Health Fellow with the Scientific Integrity Program hosted in ORD/OSAPE/SPD and is applying her evaluation skills toward understanding scientific integrity cultural change.